Difference Between Procrastination and Waiting For Good Timing

3 min readOct 9, 2022

In modern days, when we make a decision that will affect our life, sometimes we prefer to take action and sometimes stay and wait. One of the reasons for waiting is: we are unable to focus enough, the other one is fear.

There is a lot of stimulus both external and internal. A small notification is enough to distract us for half an hour while we are intensely focusing on something. And we are familiar with ourselves that the human mind loves certainty and comfort zone.

If we try something for the first time, the fear which waits beneath our thoughts paves the way for procrastination. Here I want to talk about the slight difference between procrastination and timing, let’s begin with 2 fundamental reasons for procrastination.

Firstly discuss the relationship between focusing and procrastination. When we do not deeply focus on something, the possibility of making mistakes increases.

The human brain has no tolerance for failures, almost every person has a perfectionist approach. Why? Because the anatomy of the brain is design to keep us away from threads. That’s why when you take a vitally important decision, you have to focus to give response to your brain’s suspicious “what if…” questions. Good concentration, for sure, satisfies and anxiety leaves its place blank.

Focus on the moment, focus on the future

You have to set your perspective with a well-designed vision. Taking action in a hurry also leads you to make mistakes. And you begin to procrastinate for solutions, cause you miss them. Life-long decisions will start a long-term journey. Your dare is the thing for help you get rid of procrastination.

Knowing what will you do for the next step in case of well-going situations or for the worst one is power. Life has up and down, take your steps with solution-minded ideas. When you are focused enough, the reply of “how to…” comes from within.

Merely a calm mind can focus

The outer or inner stimulus will always be with you. I cannot advise that you close the phone, start 45-minute meditation and close yourself to one thing. That would be a dystopia in our life balance, impossible. Controlling the stimulus is the key factor here. When you calm your mind enough you can focus on what you want enough. Our best saboteur is the inner voice. Instead of fighting against that, approach with tender. Repeat after me ;

“No matter what happened, I am with myself. I am honored with what I succeeded until here and do not disregard them. I trust my inner strength with my all heart and soul.”

The second one: Fear

We have roots, we have different beliefs, and we are separated by various traditions. But one common side for all of us: Emotions. The emotions are best motivators for our actions. Without action, none of your dreams will come true. I take lessons from sales professionals, one of the most important things they emphasize is: People have two motivations for taking decisions. Get rid of pain or catch the pleasure.

Fear is painful and a strongly-rooted emotion in our subconscious system. The only way to control your fear is also related to a calm mind.

Must I control or accept it? First, accept but do not approve the fear. So here we need to talk about the difference between approval and acceptance. When you say “I accept” it refers you don’t hack yourself and accept the truth. However, if you say “I approve” it refers it’s my truth that I integrated.

In conclusion, procrastination sourced from lack of focus and fear. Waiting for good timing means you have planned every possibility. If not, you know the other way to keep moving on. This article only aims to create awareness. Approve that you created the life you live now, and I know that you have the power to get your dream life.





An e-commerce enterpreneur, coffee-lover, part-time runner part-time yogini. Self-exploration is my biggest passion.