Is there a connection between Carpe-diem and Anxiety

2 min readApr 25, 2022

The nature of humanity is adopted to progression. We want the more, more or better of anything. Progression is one of the key factor about keeping yourself motivated, focusing on your goals and expecting the life you deserve. A healthier body, a safer place to live — big houses, dream cities etc. a faster car, more peaceful relationship… We can extend this list to the endless desire nature of all of us.

I’ ve read a lot of articles about how can the anxiety’s affect be reduced; most of them preach “focusing on feeling the moment, Carpe Diem, connect with now” Mindfulness, of course, is so helpful about up and downs. But living the moment does not just means inhale-exhale, stand still above a puffy bolster.

Thinking about now also have ability to create the thoughts about “What if these circumstances will not change?“ “Are there no other way for get smt better?” Because the troubles we are struggling with are carrying us away to the distorted moods. And I had some experiences, some observations.

Dreams are good weapons

But their bullets only fired when you act. Create a roadmap about how you can touch your dreams. Dream on your future, be consistent about what you want. Begin with small steps; for instance — you may have a binge eating and want a healthier body. Set a plan about reducing the consumption of junk food, beginning with one hour, one day, one week, one month.

Have tolerance for imperfection

Also failures, bad conditions… Here we also out of the moment, go the past experiences. List your failures and write a solution related to how would you act right now. You may be under pressure, however look at the sky — no limit. The ground under your feet is yours up to the sky. The wind has no order, sun shines to enegize, clouds rains sometimes. They move, so, we need to do this. Do not blame on yourself, do not try to control everything. Do not be stuck in the moment.

We all have flames in us, but do not let it burn us.

Passion. Motivation. Desire of success. The project of future us. All the message I want to give is not about just get out of the moment and wait for something magical to happen. Believe in magics, however, pave the way to them to let your life in. These are just small tips which helped me to elevate my motivation.

Now take your coffee, and write everything to want. Whether they are realistic or not.

Then take your notebook and pen, make plan about how you are going to reach

And, hope, one day I can touch your mood when you smile :)





An e-commerce enterpreneur, coffee-lover, part-time runner part-time yogini. Self-exploration is my biggest passion.